August challenge

Here we are, almost mid August and no races done or planned for this month.

So, apart from training as usual which includes plenty of running (next race: Bristol Half in September) and some Strength and Core workouts, some friends and I decided to make it interesting and do a 30 day challenge. Except this challenge includes three challenges. Situps/Planks/Squats! You’ve got to push yourself, right? Here they are below:

Today is day 10 and yes it’s starting to get interesting to say the least, with side planks being the most painful ones! But we man up and get the job done!

The great thing about it is that six of us are doing it together, therefore there is great banter and amazing support between us, making sure we get it done daily, on top of our busy lives which already includes a lot of training.

I believe to make things work you need to work hard but you also need to enjoy it and need to have fun! This is why I asked my friends to each take a picture of themselves while doing a Plank, a Sit up or a Squat. Look at them, even the animals got involved!


One person, which I won’t name and shame didn’t take a picture. His excuse? Away on holiday! Although we know he has been running and doing the challenges while in France. So here we are, working hard but adding fun to our training.

On the back of us six doing this challenge, I also got some work colleagues, including my two managers to get involved which is great!

Running can become repetitive and to a certain extent, boring to some people. Don’t let it become that way and get involved with others, your mates, and like we are doing this month, add something to your running/training, add fun! Everyone should be enjoying it. That’s what it’s all about.

Anyone wondering about the Racecheck visors, please check the site.

Pictures from top to bottom are: Myself, @SuperBlue623 (Garry), @firsthurdle (Ellie), @katerinatanti (Katerina) and @stuart73g (Stu). The person missing but doing the challenges too is @zwalfy (Luke)